How to Prepare Yourself to Get the Most Out of Your Training Course

It’s great that you are considering enrolling in one of the exciting training courses at WTA. Our professionally trained courses prepare you for the jobs that need doing and you’ll be ready to work from the moment you finish one of our classes. But preparing to take the course is as important as taking it – when you know what to expect from yourself and your course, you’ll be much more successful throughout training and beyond. Here are some tips on how to prepare yourself to get the most out of your training course.

Ask Yourself Why You are Taking the Course

Whether you’re taking one of our entry level traffic management courses to start a new career path, or upskilling in a current position with one of our first aid courses, understanding your reason for taking the course makes it easier to commit to the work ahead. When you know the why behind your decision to enroll, you’ll be better prepared to ask questions to ensure you get a tailored experience in the classroom and during on-the-job training.

Prepare Questions

Once you figure out the “why” of taking a course from WTA, consider what you want to know about the course and the outcomes that are promised. Perhaps you want more information about working hours, overtime, weather conditions, picking up extra shifts, filling in for other workers, transportation, testing or any other topic you might be wondering about. Before you head to your training sessions, write down a list of questions to bring to the course. If you aren’t sure of a concept or idea, be sure to ask immediately to prevent yourself from falling behind.

Listen and Take Notes

The work we do at WTA is very technical and hands-on. That means that although you won’t be taking a lot of notes during training, it is essential to write down things that seem relevant to you and your job. Everyone learns differently and learns at a different pace, so if you are struggling with a concept or idea, write it down and follow up with your instructor. Our friendly and knowledgeable instructors are there to help you succeed. Having a notebook will enable you to jot down thoughts and questions without interrupting the flow of the lesson. Plus, it helps you to reduce the likelihood of forgetting what you wanted to ask in the first place. Hey, it happens!

Bring Snacks and Drink Lots of Water

Learning requires focus and concentration for an extended period, so be sure to eat a healthy breakfast before attending your training course. It’s true that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you won’t be able to concentrate on an empty stomach. Pack a few light snacks and remember to drink lots of water to stay hydrated and focused during your training. If your stomach is growling or you become tired and fatigued, you won’t be able to pay attention to the lesson at hand. A hungry stomach is distracting and can derail even the best training sessions!

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